How to Register in EgoPay

EgoPay - is a totally new but quickly becoming popular payment system, it started in summer 2012. From rumors, the administration of another famous payment system is involved in creation of this electronic payment system Payza. EgoPay was as if especially created for work with HYIP and MLM and this is the reason why it is completely anonymous in contrast to Payza, it means that it doesn't require verification of one's account in it.

However, EgoPay has its drawbacks the main one of which is a high commission that has gradation depending on the type of account:
PERSONAL 2%+0.25$ 
BUSINESS 3.5%+0.50$
EXCHANGER 2%+0.25$

Personal Account is a personal account, you need such an account for work as a simple user. That's why it should be chosen when registering yourself. We're going to review the process of registration further.

Description of the Registration of Account EgoPay

To start registration follow this reference:, Press on the site in the right top "Create EgoPay Account". A page with a simple registration form will open. We won't give its screen shot this time as there is nothing difficult on it. 

In the first point "Account type" choose the right type of account Personal or Business. Just click with a mouse on button "select" if you want to change type of account. Further all fields should be filled only in English.
In the field Email enter your E-mail.
In the field Password enter your password. It should consist of minimum 8 signs and contain minimum 1 number, minimum 1 small letter and minimum 1 capital letter. It means that a password should look like: 13PASSword.
In the field Confirm Password Confirm your password entering it again.
In the field PIN code enter PIN code for confirming of operations. It should consist of 5 numbers.
In the field Confirm PIN code enter your PIN code again.
In the field Choose security color choose security color that will be reflected when entering PIN code on the entrance page. It is made for protection from fishing sites, that is fake sites imitating the site of the payment system EgoPay with the purpose of learning your password and stealing money.
In the field Please type the words shown enter symbols from the picture to the right.
Tick off if you have familiarized yourself with the rules and conditions of the agreement, and in the right side of the screen choose your country, after this press button "Sign Up".

Now you need to activate your account following the reference from the letter you must have received on your E-mail. If you haven't received it use mail from another mail service, G-mail is the best one. Following the reference from the letter you'll get to another form with the registration continuation. It has the following fields:
Security question - Enter your security question, it will come in handy when restoring your password if you lose it.
Security answer - Enter an answer on your security question.
First name - Your name.
Last name - Your surname.
Address - Enter your address.
Country - Your country.
City - Enter your city.
State - Enter your region/province/state.
Phone - Enter your phone.
Notify by Email when: - Here tick off which notifications should come to your E-mail.
Auto log out after - Choose after what time auto log out from your account will be made. 
Now press button "Save", you'll get to the page of your account and will be able to work with it. The number of your account, as well as login for entering is your E-mail. 
that is all.